Peterborough departures |
Trains between Cambridge and Ely may be delayed by up to 60 minutes, cancelled or revised. Latest information can be found in Status and Disruptions.
on time
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Calling at | |||
Huntingdon | 23:33 | on time | |
St Neots | 23:41 | on time | |
Sandy | 23:49 | on time | |
Biggleswade | 23:53 | on time | |
Arlesey | 23:58 | on time | |
Hitchin | 00:07 | on time | |
Stevenage | 00:12 | on time | |
Finsbury Park | 00:39 | on time | |
London Kings Cross | 00:47 | on time |
London Kings Cross
Platform 323:58
on time
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Calling at | |||
Stevenage | 00:39 | on time | |
London Kings Cross | 01:17 | on time |