Peterborough departures

Trains between Cambridge and Ely may be delayed by up to 60 minutes, cancelled or revised. Latest information can be found in Status and Disruptions.

London Kings Cross

Platform 2 8 coaches
on time
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Calling at

Huntingdon23:33on time
St Neots23:41on time
Sandy23:49on time
Biggleswade23:53on time
Arlesey23:58on time
Hitchin00:07on time
Stevenage00:12on time
Finsbury Park00:39on time
London Kings Cross00:47on time
From PeterboroughOperated by Thameslink
on time
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Calling at

Stevenage00:39on time
London Kings Cross01:17on time
From EdinburghOperated by London North Eastern Railway