Highbury & Islington departures

Trains between Huntingdon and Peterborough may be delayed by up to 120 minutes, cancelled or revised. Latest information can be found in Status and Disruptions.

Crystal Palace

no platform
on time
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Calling at

Canonbury23:28on time
Dalston Junction23:30on time
Haggerston23:33on time
Hoxton23:35on time
Shoreditch High Street23:37on time
Whitechapel23:39on time
Shadwell23:42on time
Wapping23:44on time
Rotherhithe23:45on time
Canada Water23:47on time
Surrey Quays23:49on time
New Cross Gate23:53on time
Brockley23:56on time
Honor Oak Park23:59on time
Forest Hill00:01on time
Sydenham00:04on time
Crystal Palace00:09on time
From Highbury & IslingtonOperated by London Overground


Platform 6 6 coaches
on time
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Calling at

Essex Road23:29on time
Old Street23:32on time
Moorgate23:36on time
From StevenageOperated by Great Northern