Bath Spa departures

Trains running between Reading / Heathrow Terminals and London Paddington may be cancelled, delayed by up to 30 minutes or revised. Latest information can be found in Status and Disruptions.

Bristol Temple Meads

Platform 1 This train has been delayed by a points failure
due 12:49
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Calling at

Bristol Temple Meads12:58on time
From London PaddingtonOperated by Great Western Railway


Platform 2
on time
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Calling at

Freshford13:09on time
Avoncliff13:12on time
Bradford-on-Avon13:15on time
Trowbridge13:22on time
Westbury13:29on time
Dilton Marsh13:33on time
Warminster13:40on time
Salisbury14:02on time
From Bristol Temple MeadsOperated by Great Western Railway