Poulton-le-Fylde departures

Trains running between Halifax and Bradford Interchange may be cancelled, delayed by up to 30 minutes or revised. Latest information can be found in Status and Disruptions.

Blackpool North

Platform 1 6 coaches
on time
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Calling at

Layton12:20on time
Blackpool North12:24on time
From Manchester AirportOperated by Northern


Platform 2 3 coaches
on time
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Calling at

Kirkham & Wesham12:32on time
Preston12:42on time
Blackburn13:00on time
Accrington13:11on time
Burnley Manchester Road13:21on time
Hebden Bridge13:42on time
Halifax13:53on time
Bradford Interchange14:06on time
New Pudsey14:16on time
Leeds14:27on time
Garforth14:38on time
Church Fenton14:46on time
York14:57on time
From Blackpool NorthOperated by Northern