Oxenholme Lake District departures |
Trains between Lancaster and Carnforth / Oxenholme Lake District may be cancelled, delayed by up to 30 minutes or revised. Latest information can be found in Status and Disruptions.
Manchester Airport
Platform 1 5 coachesThis train has been delayed by a broken down train earlier today15:13
due 15:18
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Calling at | |||
Lancaster | 15:27 | due 15:31 | |
Preston | 15:46 | due 15:48 | |
Bolton | 16:06 | on time | |
Manchester Oxford Road | 16:22 | on time | |
Manchester Piccadilly | 16:26 | on time | |
Manchester Airport | 16:44 | on time |
London Euston
Platform 115:25
on time
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Calling at | |||
Lancaster | 15:38 | on time | |
Preston | 15:57 | on time | |
Wigan North Western | 16:12 | on time | |
Warrington Bank Quay | 16:23 | on time | |
London Euston | 18:13 | on time |
on time
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