Marple departures

Trains between Sheffield and Manchester Piccadilly will be delayed by up to 30 minutes, revised, cancelled or diverted. More details and the impact on your journey can be found in Status and Disruptions.

Manchester Piccadilly

Platform 1 3 coaches
on time
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Calling at

Romiley12:11on time
Bredbury12:14on time
Brinnington12:17on time
Reddish North12:21on time
Manchester Piccadilly12:32on time
From SheffieldOperated by Northern


Platform 2 2 coaches
on time
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Calling at

New Mills Central12:15on time
Chinley12:22on time
Edale12:33on time
Hope (Derbyshire)12:39on time
Bamford12:42on time
Hathersage12:45on time
Grindleford12:50on time
Dore12:56on time
Sheffield13:05on time
From Manchester PiccadillyOperated by Northern