Accrington departures

Trains running between Rochdale and Todmorden may be cancelled, revised or delayed by up to 20 minutes. Latest information can be found in Status and Disruptions.

Headbolt Lane

Platform 1 4 coaches
on time
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Calling at

Rose Grove17:35on time
Burnley Manchester Road17:38on time
Todmorden17:55on time
Littleborough18:03on time
Smithy Bridge18:05on time
Rochdale18:09on time
Manchester Victoria18:25on time
Salford Crescent18:34on time
Swinton (Manchester)18:41on time
Walkden18:46on time
Atherton18:52on time
Hag Fold18:56on time
Daisy Hill18:59on time
Hindley19:04on time
Wigan Wallgate19:11on time
Pemberton19:17on time
Orrell19:23on time
Upholland19:27on time
Rainford19:31on time
Headbolt Lane19:40on time
From BlackburnOperated by Northern