Wigan Wallgate departures

Trains running between Rochdale and Todmorden may be cancelled, revised or delayed by up to 30 minutes. Latest information can be found in Status and Disruptions.


Platform 2 4 coaches
on time
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Calling at

Hindley20:26on time
Daisy Hill20:30on time
Hag Fold20:33on time
Atherton20:36on time
Walkden20:42on time
Swinton (Manchester)20:46on time
Salford Crescent20:54on time
Manchester Victoria21:01on time
Rochdale21:18on time
Smithy Bridge21:22on time
Littleborough21:25on time
Todmorden21:33on time
Burnley Manchester Road21:49on time
Rose Grove21:53on time
Accrington22:00on time
Blackburn22:11on time
From Headbolt LaneOperated by Northern