Swansea departures

Trains running between Reading / Heathrow Terminals and London Paddington may be cancelled, delayed by up to 60 minutes or revised. Latest information can be found in Status and Disruptions.

on time
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Calling at

Neath11:33on time
Port Talbot Parkway11:40on time
Bridgend11:55on time
Cardiff Central12:17on time
Newport (South Wales)12:31on time
Bristol Parkway12:54on time
Swindon13:18on time
Reading13:46on time
London Paddington14:14on time
From SwanseaOperated by Great Western Railway
on time
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Calling at

Llansamlet11:34on time
Skewen11:38on time
Neath11:42on time
Briton Ferry11:46on time
Baglan11:50on time
Port Talbot Parkway11:54on time
Pyle12:01on time
Bridgend12:08on time
Pencoed12:15on time
Llanharan12:19on time
Pontyclun12:23on time
Cardiff Central12:38on time
From Pembroke DockOperated by Transport for Wales