Sunderland departures |
Trains between Huntingdon and Peterborough may be delayed by up to 120 minutes, cancelled or revised. Latest information can be found in Status and Disruptions.
Newcastle Airport
Platform 322:47
on time
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Calling at | |||
St Peters (T & W Metro) | 22:49 | on time | |
Stadium of Light (T & W Metro) | 22:50 | on time | |
Seaburn (T & W Metro) | 22:52 | on time | |
East Boldon (T & W Metro) | 22:56 | on time | |
Brockley Whins (T & W Metro) | 22:59 | on time | |
Fellgate (T & W Metro) | 23:01 | on time | |
Pelaw (T & W Metro) | 23:06 | on time | |
Heworth (T & W Metro) | 23:08 | on time | |
Newcastle Central Metro | 23:16 | on time | |
South Gosforth (T & W Metro) | 23:26 | on time | |
Regent Centre (Bus) | 23:30 | on time | |
Newcastle Airport | 23:44 | on time |
South Hylton (T & W Metro)
Platform 122:47
on time
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Calling at | |||
Park Lane (Bus) | 22:49 | on time | |
University (T & W Metro) | 22:50 | on time | |
Millfield (T & W Metro) | 22:51 | on time | |
Pallion (T & W Metro) | 22:53 | on time | |
South Hylton (T & W Metro) | 22:58 | on time |
Newcastle Airport
Platform 323:02
on time
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Calling at | |||
St Peters (T & W Metro) | 23:04 | on time | |
Stadium of Light (T & W Metro) | 23:05 | on time | |
Seaburn (T & W Metro) | 23:07 | on time | |
East Boldon (T & W Metro) | 23:11 | on time | |
Brockley Whins (T & W Metro) | 23:14 | on time | |
Fellgate (T & W Metro) | 23:16 | on time | |
Pelaw (T & W Metro) | 23:21 | on time | |
Heworth (T & W Metro) | 23:23 | on time | |
Newcastle Central Metro | 23:31 | on time | |
South Gosforth (T & W Metro) | 23:41 | on time | |
Regent Centre (Bus) | 23:45 | on time | |
Newcastle Airport | 23:59 | on time |
South Hylton (T & W Metro)
Platform 123:02
on time
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Calling at | |||
Park Lane (Bus) | 23:04 | on time | |
University (T & W Metro) | 23:05 | on time | |
Millfield (T & W Metro) | 23:06 | on time | |
Pallion (T & W Metro) | 23:08 | on time | |
South Hylton (T & W Metro) | 23:13 | on time |
Platform 1 2 coachesThis train has been delayed by more trains than usual needing repairs at the same time23:08
due 23:10
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Calling at | |||
Seaham | 23:15 | due 23:17 | |
Horden | 23:23 | due 23:25 | |
Hartlepool | 23:34 | on time |
Regent Centre (Bus)
Platform 323:17
on time
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Calling at | |||
St Peters (T & W Metro) | 23:18 | on time | |
Stadium of Light (T & W Metro) | 23:20 | on time | |
Seaburn (T & W Metro) | 23:22 | on time | |
East Boldon (T & W Metro) | 23:25 | on time | |
Brockley Whins (T & W Metro) | 23:29 | on time | |
Fellgate (T & W Metro) | 23:31 | on time | |
Pelaw (T & W Metro) | 23:36 | on time | |
Heworth (T & W Metro) | 23:38 | on time | |
Newcastle Central Metro | 23:45 | on time | |
South Gosforth (T & W Metro) | 23:56 | on time | |
Regent Centre (Bus) | 23:59 | on time |
South Hylton (T & W Metro)
Platform 123:17
on time
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Calling at | |||
Park Lane (Bus) | 23:19 | on time | |
University (T & W Metro) | 23:20 | on time | |
Millfield (T & W Metro) | 23:21 | on time | |
Pallion (T & W Metro) | 23:23 | on time | |
South Hylton (T & W Metro) | 23:28 | on time |
South Gosforth (T & W Metro)
Platform 323:27
on time
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Calling at | |||
St Peters (T & W Metro) | 23:29 | on time | |
Stadium of Light (T & W Metro) | 23:30 | on time | |
Seaburn (T & W Metro) | 23:32 | on time | |
East Boldon (T & W Metro) | 23:36 | on time | |
Brockley Whins (T & W Metro) | 23:39 | on time | |
Fellgate (T & W Metro) | 23:41 | on time | |
Pelaw (T & W Metro) | 23:46 | on time | |
Heworth (T & W Metro) | 23:48 | on time | |
Newcastle Central Metro | 23:56 | on time | |
South Gosforth (T & W Metro) | 00:06 | on time |