Inverkeithing departures |
Trains between Huntingdon and Peterborough may be delayed by up to 120 minutes, cancelled or revised. Latest information can be found in Status and Disruptions.
Platform 122:50
on time
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Calling at | |||
Edinburgh Gateway | 23:00 | on time | |
Haymarket | 23:08 | on time | |
Edinburgh | 23:13 | on time |
Platform 222:56
on time
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Calling at | |||
Dalgety Bay | 22:59 | on time | |
Aberdour | 23:04 | on time | |
Burntisland | 23:08 | on time | |
Kinghorn | 23:13 | on time | |
Kirkcaldy | 23:18 | on time | |
Markinch | 23:27 | on time | |
Ladybank | 23:40 | on time | |
Perth | 00:03 | on time |
Platform 123:01
on time
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Calling at | |||
North Queensferry | 23:05 | on time | |
Dalmeny | 23:08 | on time | |
Edinburgh Gateway | 23:14 | on time | |
Haymarket | 23:21 | on time | |
Edinburgh | 23:27 | on time |